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Sussex County Division of Health

201 Wheatsworth Road Hamburg NJ 07419



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03/26/2025Click to Sign

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Equipment schedule / Spec sheets Click Here to Upload
Specifications to include finish schedule for each room including floors, walls & ceiling. Separate food preparation sinks when the menu dictates Click Here to Upload
(N.J.A.C. 8:24-5.1) Source of water supply (well water bacteria analyses report if applicable). If connected to a public water system, provide copy of a bill or proof of water connection. Click Here to Upload
(N.J.A.C. 824-5.4) Method of sewage disposal. If property is served by an individual sewage disposal system, include engineer’s certification that system is suitably sized and in conformance with current regulations (attachment pg. 6). If connected to a public sewer, provide copy of a bill or proof of sewer connection Click Here to Upload